الأسبوع الأول: 6 - 9 يونيو 2026 الأسبوع الثاني: 15 - 18 يونيو 2026
واجهة مركز الرياض للمعارض والمؤتمرات الموجود في منطقة روشن
FM Middle East
FM Middle East
Facilities Management Middle East delivers news, data, analysis and strategic insights for the region’s facilities management contractors, consultants and building management executives. Developers and property agents responsible for appointing top class FM firms are also amongst the brand’s audience in its print, digital and social media channels.The title is designed to enhance its reader’s knowledge and provide them with the insights they require to deliver best practice facilities management for their client.Facilities Management Middle East gives commercial partners a trusted route to the market place through its traditional print and digital vehicles, as well as its widely regarded Facilities Management Middle East Awards and its relaunched conference programme.All of the very latest industry news can also be found instantly at www.fm-middleeast.com.